ABPD Facebook
We are increasing our presence on social media. Join us!
In the past year, you may have noticed ABPD has been using Facebook as a tool to provide you important information.
We have created two social media campaigns, which are a series of tips to help those diplomates enrolled in the Renewal of Certification Process (ROC-P) and reminders for our applicants, candidates, and diplomates of upcoming dates and open applications.
Renewal of Certification Process Tips
The first campaign includes the top questions we receive from diplomates enrolled in ROC-P. Follow us to learn how to easily complete your annual requirements on time and without complications.
Dates and Applications
Because emails sometimes don’t make it to the right inbox, and because, let’s face it, we spend a lot of time keeping up to date on social media, ABPD recognizes that sometimes we just need another reminder in a convenient space. To help keep dates fresh in your minds, we hope this campaign gives one more opportunity.
“Like” our page!
Visit our Facebook page to like and follow so that you can stay in the know about the latest updates! If you find a post helpful, please leave us a comment, or share it with your colleagues. We are also interested in knowing what content you would find helpful or interesting, so please reach out to us at info@abpd.org if you have any suggestions or ideas.