ABPD Invites Applications for 2022 – 2023 Jeffrey A. Dean/ ABPD Research Fellowship Program
The program facilitates research in areas relevant to dentist assessment, performance, and quality improvement, continuing professional development, and initial and continuing board certification.

ABPD is now accepting applications for the 2022-2023 Jeffrey A. Dean/ABPD Research Fellowship Program. Applications must be received by 5:00 pm CT on May 23, 2022.
The program facilitates research in areas relevant to dentist assessment, performance, and quality improvement, continuing professional development, and initial and continuing board certification.
Working with a mentor at the research fellow’s home institution, fellows will develop and conduct a research project relevant to dentist assessment, certification, dentist lifelong learning and continuing professional development, improvement in dental practice and performance, or health care policy. Research fellows will disseminate their work, at either national conference or meeting, or by submission to a peer reviewed journal.
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