Announcing New CQI Modules
We would like to feature some of our new Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Modules that we are offering to our Diplomates this year!

We have released several new Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Modules for 2020. Renewal of Certification Process (ROC-P) is a continuous, rolling process documenting achievement in four critical areas of pediatric dentistry. Completion of the four areas is required of Time-limited Diplomates and strongly recommended for Unlimited Diplomates.
ROC-P is designed to meet rapidly changing science and technology head on, assisting Diplomates to provide the highest quality healthcare to patients. As part of ROC-P, Diplomates are required to complete 2 CQI modules per year, and are awarded 1 hour of Continuing Education credit for each module completed.
CQIs may be found on your Diplomate Dashboard, under the CM tab.
Effectiveness of Xylitol in Reducing Dental Caries in Children
Xylitol has been credited with significant caries reduction. This systematic review attempts to determine if enough high-quality evidence exists to evaluate xylitol's effectiveness in caries reduction in humans.
Is OraVerse safe to use in pediatric patients?
One of the most common adverse effects post local anesthesia is trauma to the soft tissue in pediatric patients. What if we can use an agent to safely reverse the length of recovery of soft tissue anesthesia following the injection in children?
Managing Deep Carious Lesions
To Pulp or Not to Pulp--that is the question.
Minimally Invasive Resin Infiltration for White Spot Lesions and Incipient Carious Lesions
The use of minimally invasive resin infiltration is becoming fairly widespread in pediatric dentistry. It is being used for white spot lesions, hypoplasia, and incipient lesions.
Mothers and Early Childhood Caries
Dental caries is a multifactorial disease. The mother's oral flora may affect risk for caries in their offspring.
Oral and dental aspects of child abuse and neglect
What are the common signs of abuse and neglect in our patients and what are our responsibilities if suspected?
Patient Trauma Emergencies, Etc
This module is designed to motivate learners to review multiple AAPD Clinical Practice Policies and Guidelines for various events of an adolescent emergency patient visit.