Apply to be a Jeffrey A. Dean/ ABPD Research Fellow

Applications for the 2023 – 2024 Jeffrey A. Dean/ ABPD Research Fellowship are now open.
Applications must be received by 5:00 pm CT on Tuesday, May 16, 2023.
The Jeffrey A. Dean/ American Board of Pediatric Dentistry (ABPD) Research Fellowship program is a one-year, part-time program that facilitates research in areas relevant to dentist assessment, performance and quality improvement, continuing professional development, and initial and continuing board certification.
During the year-long program, the research fellows remain at their home organization and work with a mentor of their choosing. The $15,000 award works to offset the direct costs of research, professional development expenses, and travel costs associated with program participation. Research fellows will disseminate their work at a national conference or meeting or by submission to a peer-reviewed journal.
The program begins each year in September and selected fellows will be announced at the ABPD Pinning Ceremony at AAPD Annual Session. Research Fellows will be encouraged to attend ABPD or other specialty meetings or conferences if it would enhance their specific research project.
ABPD Research Fellows are selected based on the quality of their proposed research project and the relevance of the project to board certification.
To learn more about eligibility and program benefits, click here.
To read about the 2022 – 2023 Jeffrey A. Dean/ ABPD Research Fellows, click here.