Introducing 2023-2024 Board of Directors

ABPD is proud to announce our 2023-2024 Board of Directors, including our newest director, Dr. Steve K. Rayes, DDS, MS. Board certified since 2007, Dr. Rayes brings a broad depth of public health, administrative, educational, and private practice experience to ABPD.
Our 2023-2024 Board of Directors was announced at the 2023 AAPD Annual Session. These individuals are responsible for the direction of the organization. The directors govern, develop policy, and set a course. The mission of ABPD, the Why and How of ABPD, frames all discussions and guides the direction.
The ABPD Board of Directors is comprised of six directors. Each director serves for six years.
2023-2024 Board of Directors
President: Marcio Guelmann, DDS
Vice President: Edward Ginsberg, DDS
Secretary: Brian Hodgson, DDS
Director: Anupama Tate, DMD, MPH
Director: Steve K. Rayes, DDS, MS
Immediate Past President: Gregory Olson, DDS, MS