Behavior guidance - 14%

  • Assess a patient's physical, psychological, and social development - Analyze/Evaluate
  • Assess a patient’s temperament and cooperation potential - Analyze/Evaluate
  • Recommend a behavior guidance approach based on patient assessment - Understand/Apply
  • Communicate with the patient and their guardian about development assessment and behavior guidance recommendations - Understand/Apply
  • Evaluate pharmacologic options based on indications and contraindications - Analyze/Evaluate
  • Communicate risks and benefits of pharmacologic behavior guidance to patient and guardian, including pre and post instructions -  Understand/Apply
  • Provide non-pharmacologic behavior guidance - Understand/Apply
  • Administer nitrous oxide analgesia, monitor, and manage adverse events - Understand/Apply
  • Provide care for patients under moderate or deep sedation (general anesthesia), monitor, and manage/follow protocol for adverse events - Understand/Apply
  • Prevent, assess, and manage patient pain - Analyze/Evaluate

Growth and development  - 8%

  • Identify dentofacial growth patterns - Understand/Apply
  • Determine the presence of a dental, skeletal, or functional abnormality - Understand/Apply
  • Recognize abnormal child development and make referrals as needed to medical specialists (speech therapy, ENT) - Analyze/Evaluate
  • Determine the need for, and interpret the findings from a panoramic radiograph to assess growth and development - Understand/Apply
  • Diagnose and manage developing dentition (including dental, skeletal, and functional abnormalities) - Understand/Apply
  • Determine the need for and provide appliance for space maintenance - Understand/Apply
  • Identify the indications and mechanisms of interceptive appliances - Understand/Apply
  • Provide early or interceptive orthodontic treatment (Phase 1) - Understand/Apply
  • Perform a facial analysis - Understand/Apply
  • Perform an occlusal analysis - Understand/Apply
  • Determine the need for, and interpret the findings from a cephalometric analysis - Analyze/Evaluate
  • Evaluate orthodontic records, including occlusal analysis and model analysis - Analyze/Evaluate

Oral facial injury, emergency care and oral surgery  - 16%

  • Assess and evaluate oral facial injuries, dental pain, and infections -Analyze/Evaluate
  • Evaluate, diagnose, and manage/treat dentoalveolar trauma including maxillary and mandible jaw fractures - Analyze/Evaluate
  • Evaluate, diagnose, and manage/treat the pulpal, periodontal and associated soft and hard tissues following traumatic injury - Analyze/Evaluate
  • Evaluate and manage non-accidental trauma due to child abuse or neglect - Understand/Apply
  • Explain prognosis and potential sequelae, importance of continued care - Understand/Apply
  • Recognize and manage a soft tissue lesion - Understand/Apply
  • Extract teeth - Understand/Apply
  • Suture soft tissue following extraction or intraoral laceration - Understand/Apply
  • Manage a supernumerary tooth - Understand/Apply
  • Manage missing teeth in mixed and immature permanent dentition - Understand/Apply
  • Recognize indications for and discuss autotransplantation - Understand/Apply
  • Recognize indications for and manage decoronation of tooth - Understand/Apply
  • Recognize indications for and discuss implant therapy - Understand/Apply
  • Management of third molars - Understand/Apply
  • Manage adverse events and medical emergencies - Analyze/Evaluate

Diagnosis, oral pathology, oral radiology, and oral medicine  - 10%

  • Recognize the normal appearance of the oral cavity (predentate, primary dentition, mixed dentition and permanent dentition) - Analyze/Evaluate
  • Diagnose, manage, and explain the common pediatric oral/facial anomalies - Analyze/Evaluate
  • Diagnose, manage, and explain the common pediatric oral/facial pathological conditions - Analyze/Evaluate
  • Evaluate, diagnose, and manage dental attrition - Understand/Apply
  • Develop a radiographic survey plan based upon patient assessment - Understand/Apply
  • Interpret radiographic images and correct errors - Understand/Apply
  • Identify the need for antibiotic therapy and prescribe antibiotics - Understand/Apply
  • Identify indications and evaluate options for referrals to medical and dental specialists and communicate reasons/risk to patient, parent, or guardian - Understand/Apply
  • Identify risk factors for, diagnose, and classify gingival and periodontal disease - Understand/Apply
  • Manage gingival and periodontal disease non-surgically - Understand/Apply
  • Identify the need for surgical treatment of gingival and periodontal disease and refer - Understand/Apply
  • Evaluate and diagnose disorders of the TMJ, treat, and refer cases that are beyond scope - Understand/Apply

Prevention and health promotion  - 10%

  • Evaluate patient medical history - Understand/Apply
  • Conduct a comprehensive oral examination - Understand/Apply
  • Evaluate risk for caries, periodontal disease, and trauma - Analyze/Evaluate
  • Formulate an individual prevention plan based on medical and dental history, radiographs, and assesments - Analyze/Evaluate
  • Explain exam findings, risks, and recommendations to patients and guardians - Analyze/Evaluate
  • Use behavior change and communication strategies to motivate change in patients and/or parents or guardians - Understand/Apply
  • Provide oral hygiene instructions and recommendations - Understand/Apply
  • Provide diet counseling - Understand/Apply
  • Complete oral prophylaxis/scaling/removal of plaque/calculus deposits - Understand/Apply
  • Recommend fluoride type and treatment modality - Analyze/Evaluate
  • Establish recall/recare visits based on patient needs - Understand/Apply
  • Identify and classify enamel erosion and determine the etiology - Understand/Apply

Dental caries diagnosis, non-restorative caries management and restorative treatment - 17%

  • Detect caries lesions and determine diagnose techniques - Analyze/Evaluate 
  • Diagnose caries through visual, tactile, and radiographic techniques - Analyze/Evaluate
  • Develop and implement a systematic approach to assess caries progression, arrest, or remineralization for primary or permanent teeth - Analyze/Evaluate
  • Perform non-operative caries management/treatment in primary and permanent dentition - Understand/Apply
  • Recognize indications for and apply sealants for primary and permanent teeth - Understand/Apply
  • Manage minimally invasive restorative treatment for primary and permanent teeth and prescribe follow-up reassessment plan - Understand/Apply
  • Excavate deep caries (partial or complete removal) in primary and permanent teeth (indirect pulp treatment) - Understand/Apply
  • Manage enamel erosion with preventive and restorative techniques for primary and permanent teeth - Understand/Apply
  • Manage esthetic concerns in the primary and permanent dentition - Understand/Apply
  • Manage hypoplastic and hypomineralized teeth in primary and permanent dentition - Understand/Apply
  • Restore primary and permanent teeth with amalgam - Understand/Apply
  • Restore primary and permanent teeth with composite - Understand/Apply
  • Restore primary and permanent teeth with glass ionomer - Understand/Apply
  • Restore primary and permanent teeth with stainless steel crown - Understand/Apply
  • Restore primary and permanent incisors with composite crown - Understand/Apply
  • Restore primary incisors, canines, and molars with zirconia crown - Understand/Apply
  • Identify the indications for prosthetic therapy in the primary and permanent dentition - Analyze/Evaluate

Pulp therapy - 8%

  • Recognize, assess, and diagnose and explain pulpal pathology of primary and permanent teeth - Analyze/Evaluate
  • Recognize indications for and perform vital pulp therapy in primary anterior teeth and molars - Understand/Apply
  • Recognize indications for and perform non-vital pulp therapy in primary anterior teeth and molars - Understand/Apply
  • Recognize indications for and perform vital pulp therapy in permanent anterior and posterior teeth - Understand/Apply
  • Recognize indications for and perform non-vital pulp therapies in permanent anterior teeth - Understand/Apply
  • Recognize indications for and understand the techniques for non-vital pulp therapies in permanent posterior teeth - Understand/Apply
  • Recognize indications for and understand the technique for apexogenesis - Understand/Apply
  • Recognize indications for and understand the techniques for apexification - Understand/Apply
  • Recognize indications for and understand the techniques for regenerative endodontics - Understand/Apply

Special health care needs - 8%

  • Recognize special health care needs (congenital or acquired) in patients and the challenges of providing dental care for individuals with these needs - Analyze/Evaluate
  • Identify and manage common oral manifestations often associated with special healthcare needs - Understand/Apply
  • Explain the relationship between oral health and general health to patients, guardians, or other medical providers - Understand/Apply
  • Modify treatment modality based on special health care needs - Analyze/Evaluate
  • Discuss the impact of special health care needs on oral health and growth and development with patients and guardians, including alternative treatment goals - Understand/Apply
  • Provide guidance to patients and guardians on ways to prevent oral disease and minimize the impact of syndromes, diseases, conditions, or disorders on oral health - Understand/Apply
  • Identify patients who have special healthcare needs that require the care of an interdisciplinary team and coordinate care with the interdisciplinary team(s) - Analyze/Evaluate

Advocacy and Education - 4%

  • Maintain social and cultural awareness during patient care - Understand/Apply
  • Explain the importance of the dental home and early pediatric care - Understand/Apply
  • Advocate for patients to receive needed care and refer patients and guardians to social support resources, including community-based oral health programs and care opportunities - Understand/Apply
  • Participate at the local, state and/or national levels in organized dentistry in its advocacy for public health policy, legislation, and regulations to protect and promote the oral health needs of children. - Understand/Apply

Elements of pediatric dental practice  - 5%

  • Practice in a professional and ethical manner - Understand/Apply
  • Employ principles and mechanisms of infection control and safety practices to ensure a safe patient care environment (by following professional organization guidelines and complying with local, state, and national standards/regulations) - Understand/Apply
  • Develop and follow protocols for clinical practice including safety, technology, privacy, licensing, malpractice, billing, and security - Understand/Apply
  • Develop and follow protocols for teledentistry including safety, technology, privacy, licensing, malpractice, billing, and security - Understand/Apply
  • Maintain privacy of protected health information according to HIPAA - Understand/Apply
  • Continually evaluate the practice for adherence to professional standards (e.g., evidence-based dentistry, practice, policies) - Analyze/Evaluate
  • Evaluate research articles for application to clinical practice - Analyze/Evaluate